Help Graceful Living to Give Dignified Lives to Senior Citizens

Help Graceful Living to Give Dignified Lives to Senior Citizens

Help Graceful Living to Give Dignified Lives to Senior Citizens

Help Graceful Living to Give Dignified Lives to Senior Citizens

Graceful Living is a project of Tulsi Trust working especially for senior citizens. It has two main purposes. The first is to provide comprehensive social, psychological and medical services to older adults and act as a one-stop platform for catering to various needs which seniors have. The second purpose is to work towards ageing becoming a more positive, productive and meaningful experience. 



The right to live a decent and positive life belongs to everyone regardless of their religion, race, caste, gender or age. Old people even though they have various physical and cognitive problems, still deserve to have a more enriching and a good life. Graceful Living aims to do exactly that, by not only providing healthcare but also a life worth living. 

The organization not only cares for the elderly but strives to make them feel loved and cared for through various activities and programmes, which are recreational, and educational and fulfil their emotional needs. Some of these programs are Companionship and Counselling to combat loneliness, Physiotherapy to keep them fit, a Youth Sensitization Program to create sensitization and empathy for senior citizens among young students, Technology Training Sessions to keep them up to date with the latest innovations, Support Group Meetings to uplift each other, Volunteers Training to get more hands in the organization and Activities and Events to create a positive environment in the premises.

The total cost of these activities is coming at Rs.11,88,000/- (Rupees Eleven Lakhs Eighty-Eight Thousand Only). Your donation can help Graceful Living bear the expense of giving more fulfilling lives to the wisest of our society.







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